due to strong jet-streams creating a lot of headwind we were routed from lux to mexico on a very northern route with exceptional beautiful weather and a nice view of island!
(over greenland i was sleeping and left the aircraft and view to my two wonderful colleges)
on the chart you can see several things,
first - the blue jetstreams, strong wind currents spanning the globe with windspeeds of 100 to 300 km/h;
second - the tracks of the north atlantic track system, which are calculated twice a day to provide minimum headwind or maximum tailwind, hence creating a minimum flighttime flexible route system;
third - the shortest way is not always the fastest - our company minimized todays flighttime by an diversion of additional 500 NM (900 km), but avoiding headwind and instead using crosswind aereas.
island pix taken just northwest of Reykjavik....
(love the islanders and their culture, will have to visist the island!)